I'm listening now to Sean Hannity and Rev. Sharpton argue over the small spike in unemployment and the poor economy. I wish ONE THING: that people were smart enough to think back, remember, (or research if necessary), and understand several things:
1. The unemployment rate the last 8 years has been the lowest in almost FOUR decades. The rise in unemployment began within weeks after the Democratic Congress forced through a mandatory raise in the minimum wage! Forcing businesses to pay people more than most of them are worth costs all of us in the long run. The Pelosi / Reid bunch did this, and NOT the administration of President Bush.
2. All of a sudden, the bra-burning liberated women I grew up with, and the thousands like them -- the exact ones who sneered at those of us who decided to have children in the first place, much less stay home with them (and then OMG, *homeschool* our children), -- while they farmed out their poor little ones to whoever they could pay enough to care for them as they proceeded to attempt breaking through some proverbial glass ceiling, (whew...a breath), are now screaming that a woman who has five children, became mayor of her hometown, then took on the big boys in state politics and the oil companies, to became Governor of the largest, resource wealthy state in the Union, (and actually got the natural gas pipeline that the 'men' had been hedging on for 30 years), has the audacity to think she can run for Vice President! -- Oh, My! What will happen to her poor children? --
When did these liberal "I can have it all" women decide that family just might be an important part of life? And since when are we NOT able to raise our families and have children at the same time?
DO YOU KNOW how many children Nancy Pelosi has? That's right -- FIVE! My mother had 4 kids, and she worked for the Texas Department of Welfare long before it was the popular, accepted thing to do. We were fortunate to learn independence to an extent, and more fortunate to experience the great love and bond with our grandparents. We also knew that if we got in trouble at Grandma's during the day, we'd be in worse trouble when Mother and Daddy got us home that night!
And, I would personally love to meet and shake the hands of each and every member of any 21st Century American family who somewhere in the mix has not had an unwed pregnant teenager. I know from my own personal experience it does not matter how many times you preach to your sons or daughters about abstinence, there comes a time when it is your child's decision to make, and even that child's own value system can falter. Praise God she adheres to her parents' value system and will not murder that precious little one!
Further, I'd like to line up each of these women who are so viciously attacking such a down to earth, spitfire of a woman, and just go down the line kicking butt and washing their filthy mouths with lye soap until I drop from exhaustion. Any takers? I'm more than ready!
3. Regarding the Presidential Elections: Here's the basic, plain and simple difference between John McCain and Barack (N)Obama, IN THEIR OWN WORDS:
John McCain: "I'm not afraid of threats in this dangerous world." "My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God. "
Barack Obama, Audacity of Hope : "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
John McCain: "I fight for Americans. I fight for you. I fight for Bill and Sue Nebe from Farmington Hills, Michigan, who lost their real estate investments in the bad housing market. Bill got a temporary job after he was out of work for seven months. Sue works three jobs to help pay the bills.
I fight for Jake and Toni Wimmer of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Jake works on a loading dock; coaches Little League, and raises money for the mentally and physically disabled. Toni is a schoolteacher, working toward her Master's Degree. They have two sons, the youngest, Luke, has been diagnosed with autism. Their lives should matter to the people they elect to office. They matter to me.
I fight for the family of Matthew Stanley of Wolfboro, New Hampshire, who died serving our country in Iraq. I wear his bracelet and think of him every day. I intend to honor their sacrifice by making sure the country their son loved so well and never returned to, remains safe from its enemies".
Barack Obama, April 11, 2008: "Small town folks get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
I could go on... and on. The differences are so obvious, and so compelling to us who love our Country more than life itself.
Great post, and yes, the differences are so clear it is hard to imagine that Mr. Obama can have so many supporters. As a military mom, I sure want someone in the white house that understands what is at stake! I have just found your blog and it is very helpful. My oldest son leaves shortly for his second tour and so...well, you know, we gear up again for the long haul. Thank you for your blog!
I loved this! And you are so right on all accounts.
I hope and pray the "silent majority" will once again come through this fall.
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