Even if your soldier is fortunate enough to be in an FOB like Liberty or Victory, the PX's are seldom fully stocked, and the inventory evidently changes often. When our sons were deployed, they were constantly wanting new games, dvd's, snack food, their favorite toiletries and razors, sheets, and 'stuff from home'.

In the sidebar on the left, you will find links to American stores and businesses that actively support our military and their families.

And please, don't miss the Archived Section containing priceless information on shipping to your soldier! I will occasionally copy that post as new so that it will stay close to the top, as it contains valuable information.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Organizations That Support Our Troops!

For friends, church and/or civic organizations who wish to help send packages to our soldiers but don't have a personal contact, the following are our TOP PICKS!

AnySoldier.com : Awarded The Best Of America Seal of Excellence by The Independent Charities of America, AnySoldier.com is a clearinghouse of soldiers' names and contacts to receive hygiene, food and gift packages.

AmericaSupportsYou.mil : This is an official Department of Defense website "dedicated to connecting members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families with individuals, groups, and businesses from the community who want to support and encourage our military men and women. AmericaSupportsYou currently lists more than 300 non-profit groups that are devoted to helping our service men and women. These groups provide a multitude of services, including financial assistance, sending care packages and letters, and helping our wounded warriors."

MoveAmericaForward.org : This organization just spearheaded the largest, most publicized care package shipment ever to our troops! By far our favorite organization, and after checking it out, I believe it will become your favorite one as well! MoveAmericaForward was started by two mothers of soldiers, and their stories are both heartbreaking and inspiring.

AMillionThanks.org : is a year-round campaign to show our U.S. Military Men and Women, past and present, our appreciation for their sacrifices, dedication, and service to our country through our letters, emails, cards, prayers, and thoughts.

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