Even if your soldier is fortunate enough to be in an FOB like Liberty or Victory, the PX's are seldom fully stocked, and the inventory evidently changes often. When our sons were deployed, they were constantly wanting new games, dvd's, snack food, their favorite toiletries and razors, sheets, and 'stuff from home'.

In the sidebar on the left, you will find links to American stores and businesses that actively support our military and their families.

And please, don't miss the Archived Section containing priceless information on shipping to your soldier! I will occasionally copy that post as new so that it will stay close to the top, as it contains valuable information.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fight Child Hunger in America with ConAgra and Facebook!

This is SO SIMPLE and is making a HUGE difference! Con-Agra Foods Foundation is giving $10.00 of food to hungry children in the U.S. everytime someone becomes a new fan on their Foundation page: http://www.facebook.com/ConAgraFoodsFoundation

I'm a bit old-fashioned to fully appreciate Facebook, but our son Shawn set up a Facebook account for us so we can at least appear to be a tad more tech-advanced. And I'm glad he did. While neither Michael or I chat with or look up many old friends, Facebook does occasionally give us an opportunity to help others.

PLEASE just click on the link above, which will ask you to login to your Facebook account, then click the "Fan" button on ConAgra's page. Then please copy and paste this information and the link on your Facebook page and forward it to all your friends and groups. This is too important to ignore, especially with so many families suffering right now.

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