Even if your soldier is fortunate enough to be in an FOB like Liberty or Victory, the PX's are seldom fully stocked, and the inventory evidently changes often. When our sons were deployed, they were constantly wanting new games, dvd's, snack food, their favorite toiletries and razors, sheets, and 'stuff from home'.

In the sidebar on the left, you will find links to American stores and businesses that actively support our military and their families.

And please, don't miss the Archived Section containing priceless information on shipping to your soldier! I will occasionally copy that post as new so that it will stay close to the top, as it contains valuable information.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As I sit here with a knot in my stomach contemplating these early election returns, I feel much the way I did 8 years ago -- fearful for our Country. At that time, of course, I had no way of knowing how drastically our world would change in 10 short months. Nor did I anticipate both our sons interrupting their college years for tours in Iraq. This time, though, it's much deeper. As a Christian, I know full well that God Is In Control, regardless of the outcome of this long fought election. I am more fearful than ever, though, because of the very ideals held by Obama and his senate cronies. I learned months ago that unless one could scour through every media tape of each rally he held around the country, one would never be able to piece together his master plan in advance of the election. The fear comes from what will happen when the Obama Plan for Change is revealed on January 21st. All those little quotes and quips (such as calling for Mandatory community service; a Citizen police force; spreading the wealth....) will come together under one roof, with a possible filibuster-proof Senate to put it all into play. How many pens will be used in sweeping 'executive orders', and how will those orders affect our ability to go about our daily lives as we always have? What will happen to our beautiful America -- OUR Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave? Where will we be? As a descendent of Francis Lewis, a signor of the Declaration of Independence, I wonder what his reaction would be were he able to hear the Socialistic statements of the man who may well become our next President. As the mom of two handsome, brave soldiers, I pray their service to ensure our freedoms weren't in vain. For Michael and me, the changes to come will be difficult, but realistically, we've lived our lives fully and are cresting the golden side. We'll weather it. For our sons, so young, with their lives still ahead, with their individual dreams of finding their own way, of financial independence and of building their own wealth; of raising their future families in a free land, I pray these changes don't keep them from fulfilling their dreams.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I am right here with you. Now that the election has produced in reality our fears, we are faced with all you have just written of. As a mother of a son now in Iraq, I do not know what the future holds. I too am a Christian and I believe that Mr. Obama certainly is not what the majority thinks he is. I find it hard to believe that so many people who say they are Christians voted for this man. I love America and I hate the idea it will become like Europe which so many now believe is the "progressive" way. You and I must be on our knees in prayer as sisters in Christ and mothers of those who defend this nation!